Traveler: Emma Read – Stylist, Writer, Creative Consultant
Where are you escaping? Paris.

What was the purpose of your travel? A little work, a lot of play.

With how many people did you travel? Solo, but given it was during SS shows I had a lot of familiar faces in town.

Where did you stay? And is there something special we should know about this hotel/house? I went full Parisian-style and stayed in a studio in the Marais, on Rue du Temple – a stone’s throw from Cafe Charlot, most importantly.

How did you get around? On foot 80% of the time, the rest via Uber when my footwear choices were somewhat questionable.
What did you most like about the trip? The freedom, the energy – you don’t really have a choice but to fall in love with something (or someone) in Paris.

Could you share an unforgettable memory about the trip? There were many, but it was the dinners and the adventures that followed that really stand out… and running around the Anish Kapoor exhibition in Versailles. That’s unforgettable!
What is the most surprising find during the trip? How quickly I settled in – Paris felt like home after 24 hours.

Favourite restaurant(s) or food you have tried during your trip? All the usuals, with good reason – Cafe Marley, Charlot, Le Progres, L’Avenue (the steak!)… even something as simple as a fresh baguette every day. Carbs don’t count in Paris.
What are the must tries of the city? The food, the galleries, the music… Dive into it all.

Any hidden secrets you could whisper to us? See where the night takes you – my standout evenings were illuminated mostly without any foresight whatsoever.

What are your travels quintessential? A selection of chargers and adaptors – as I prefer to travel sans maps.
Would you go back? In a heartbeat.
Could you list a few of your favourite finds you came back with? Buly 1803 in Saint Germain – it’s an apothecary of beauty products mostly crafted from macerated plant oils. Completely artisinal and divine.
Is there any tip that might be useful to know before going there? It’s all about location, location, location – map out the best arrondissement that suits your interests before you commit. It’ll save you running from one end of town to the other via the Metro.