1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself to begin with!
I’m a jewelry designer, filmmaker, creative director, skateboarder and a summer lover!
2. Do you have a summer ritual?
Depends for what. I love to swim for hours and then eat a big seafood meal. I love to tan with my airpods on and dive into a world of music while sketching jewelry with a pen and notepad. I love to go to the tip of a sailboat and sit on the edge as if flying while sailing. If I’m lucky, a pack of dolphins may be surfing by my side.

3. Where is it you escape to habitually for true downtime? How long have you been going there and why?
Well the sauna is definitely one of the places I enjoy silence, no phone, nothing but your thoughts and a tiny room. The sea is always a place of serenity. An abandoned beach with nothing but the sound of waves always brings me peace and happiness. I don’t know if I truly have a steady place I can go to for downtime.. skateboarding was always a place of escape and therapy for me growing up.
4. What does that place mean to you?
When I went skating I used to feel like nothing else mattered. I would fly into freedom and go into a trance. Beşiktas Meydan was a sort of oasis in the middle of the city’s chaos. Filled with a bunch of young free souls trying to find themselves.. it’s a shame the municipality broke it down.
5. What’s a new summer escape you embarked on this summer?
Me and about 25 friends rented two sailboats (gulets) in Marmaris. I’ve done the boat thing often but not with a big crew of friends in this style. It was really special to cruise from bay to bay with the aqua colored waters of Bozburun. We parked the boats together each night while partying under the moonlight. Meeting new people, hiking, exploring an abandoned church, taking photos and eating the best food while swimming day and night… it felt like the outside world did not exist. It was early in the season so we basically had the sea to ourselves. It was the perfect way to kick start the summer.
6. Do you have an anecdote or unforgettable memory to share?
We all visited an abandoned church during this boat trip. It was a ruin from the neolithic period so it was super old yet beautiful. We bought a few bottles of wine, a sound speaker and danced. Then we went into the chapel, held hands and synchronized our voice while chanting mantras. As cheesy as it sounds, it really was magical.

7. Who are your favorite summer escape travel partners and why?
My girlfriend Ilayda, she is the most easy going person. I’m more pro active so I do the planning and she just rides along and keeps me in great company. I also love to travel with my friend Dilan, he is a true adventurer with a passion for the sea. He is always up for anything, whether it be jumping from a cliff or partying till sunrise.
8. What’s your ultimate escape soundtrack?
I’m into latin funk these days. Festive groovy tunes – I think it’s mostly Brazilian music with Portuguese lyrics. Sometimes jazz. Sometimes very relaxing ambient songs.
9. What about this summer’s read?
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
10. And what film do you return to for the ultimate summer cinema experience?
Good question.. Talented Mr Ripley always, the Beach is a great one.. Vicky Christina Barcelona or any Woody Allen flick..
11. What does escape mean to you?
Losing yourself a little. Discovering new feelings and new worlds.

12. Where are you hoping to head next?
I’m going to Portofino on August 12th.
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