Traveler: Aslı Abbasoğlu – Designer
What is your most unforgettable escape? The road trip I took with my boyfriend Koray Birand and our friend Arzu Koçman from L.A. to Las Vegas through Utah and Arizona.
What was the purpose of your travel? We simply wanted to experience something that was way out of our comfort zone and navigate through the unfamiliarity of it all.
With how many people did you travel? Three. Koray Birand, Arzu Koçman and myself.
What did you most like about the trip? The grand simplicity of the American West.

Could you share an unforgettable memory about the trip? Watching the sun rise at Monument Valley. It had an otherworldly beauty to it.
Your most surprising find during the trip? I hoped to see 3 things on this trip: a wandering cowboy (complete with horse, lasso etc.), a postcard-esque rainbow over the canyons and a silver truck. All came true except for the truck, which I now believe only exists in music videos.
Favorite restaurant or food you have tried during your trip. Yellowtail in Las Vegas.
What is the must tries of the city? You don’t know the true meaning of “scenic” until you drive through Route 89.
Would you go back? It was something I wanted to experience my whole life, I would go back now if I could…

Any tips that might be useful to know before going there? Know your time zone.
Next stop you would like to visit? It probably wouldn’t be my next stop but my ultimate dream is to travel to outer space.
Aslı Abbasoğlu