Food Culture / Recipes

Red Mullet in Parma Ham


  • Red Mullet
  • Sage leaf
  • Parma Ham
  • Olive oil
  • Butter
  • Chives
  • Lemon juice


  1. Clean and gut Red Mullet. Put a sage leaf inside the fish and wrap in parma.
  2. Cook in olive oil and butter until flesh starts to turn white. Use fish spatula to roll over. When flesh bounces back up after being pressed, then it is done. Remove fish.
  3. When butter/oil is at brown nut stage, add extra butter, add chives and the lemon juice. Pour over the fish and serve immediately.ย 
About Author

Born in Russia and raised in NYC, I moved to Paris to pursue my gastronomic dreams as well as to meet the cityโ€™s most renowned chefs.