Food Culture / Recipes

Lemon Souffle, Liquorice


  • 500g Milk
  • 6 Yolks
  • 30g Cornstarch
  • 80g Sugar
  • 100g Lemon Juice
  • 10 gr Lemon Zest

Bring the milk and lemon zest to a boiling point. In a bowl, mix the egg yolks with sugar and cornstarch. Pour the milk into the bowl. Mix well and put back on the pot. Cook stirring constantly for about 5 minutes; remove from the heat and add the filtered lemon juice.

to make three souffles:

  • 50g Souffle Base
  • 80g Egg Whites
  • 35g Sugar
  • a pinch of Citric Acid and Licorice Powder

Using an electric mixer, beat egg whites and add the sugar. Gradually mix it into the base 1/3 at a time. Fill a buttered and sweetened ramekin. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C until souffles are puffed and have risen (for about 7-8 minutes).


  • 200ml Water
  • 80ml inverted Sugar
  • 70ml Glucose
  • 40g Sugar
  • 4g Gellan Gum
  • 450g Lemon Juice
  • 120g Sunflower Oil
  • 1g Xantham Gum
  1. Put the water, inverted sugar, glucose, sugar and gellan gun in a pan and warm over a low heat until dissolved. Increase the heat and boil for one minute. Remove from the heat and transfer to a metal tray and let it cool down.
  2. In the meantime, squeeze the lemons and strain the juice.
  3. Blend the lemon juice, sunflower oil and xantham gum until is well mixed. Add the base of sorbet that should be cold and firm and blend again. Strain it.
  4. Pour into a container and transfer to the freezer at -10 celsius degrees. Stir it in an ice cream maker and it is ready to serve.

to serve:

Take the souffle from the oven and quickly sprinkle with a lemon-shaped stencil with the liquorice powder and serve immediately with a quenelle of lemon sorbet.

About Author

Isabella Poti was born in Rome, and has furthered her pastry skills with experiences with chef Cloude Bosi in London and the Basquechef Paco Torreblancas.